Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Sorry no post for a while, found myself tired.

There'll be a normal update tomorrow, in the meantime let's get you guys up to speed on videos.

First is a game I had no idea how to play, Mischeif Makers on the Nintendo 64

Then Tecmo Super NBA Basketball, which I sucked at, but oh well.

Streets of Final Fight continues with the X68000 version of Final Fight, which I didn't think I'd be able to do at first.

One of my favorites, Duke Nukem 64

No idea what I'm doing here in Tower of Doom for Intellivision, but it was an amusing vid.

Mighty Final Fight is the next up for Streets of Final Fight, this one has a chibi style art work and Double Dragon inspired level progression

And who doesn't love F-Zero?

Frog Bog on the Intellivison. Not much to say about it.

Finally a sequel! Final Fight 2

My latest GameCube acquisitions

And my look at the console itself in three parts

A video that got a big response, my thoughts on the 360/ps3 price war going on.

And some comic book reviews

My first ever Neo Geo vid is a baseball game, it's my second shot at recording and it came out crappy (first one didn't come out at all) gonna have to figure that out...

and Final Fight 3

This brings us to today's videos, first up a bonus for a very special subscriber.

Here's a classic, Rampage! On NES!

Kid Niki Radical Ninja on the NES doesn't seem too bad, but damn is it weird.

And finally, the very strange Final Fight Revenge.

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